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                        Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
                    Club Notice - 9/18/98 -- Vol. 17, No. 12

       MT Chair/Librarian:
                     Mark Leeper   MT 3E-433  732-957-5619 mleeper@lucent.com
       HO Chair:     John Jetzt    MT 2E-530  732-957-5087 jetzt@lucent.com
       HO Librarian: Nick Sauer    HO 4F-427  732-949-7076 njs@lucent.com
       Distinguished Heinlein Apologist:
                     Rob Mitchell  MT 2E-537  732-957-6330 robmitchell@lucent.com
       Factotum:     Evelyn Leeper MT 3E-433  732-957-2070 eleeper@lucent.com
       Back issues at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4824
       All material copyright by author unless otherwise noted.

       The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County meets on the
       second Saturday of every month in Upper Saddle River; call
       201-447-3652 for details.  The New Jersey Science Fiction Society
       meets irregularly; call 201-652-0534 for details, or check
       http://www.interactive.net/~kat/njsfs.html.  The Denver Area
       Science Fiction Association meets 7:30 PM on the third Saturday of
       every month at Southwest State Bank, 1380 S. Federal Blvd.

       1. URL of the week: http://www.e-horizon.com/eventhorizon/.   Event
       Horizon Magazine: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror.  [-ecl]


       2. I must be different from other people.  When all  I  have  is  a
       hammer, everything looks to me like my thumb.  [-mrl]


       3.  I  have  recently  returned  from  the  World  Science  Fiction
       Convention,  this  year  called  Bucconeer  and  held in Baltimore,
       Maryland.  I would tell you  about  the  convention,  but  that  is
       really  more  Evelyn's province.  She certainly is better than I am
       in writing about panels she has attended.  There  are  some  things
       that  I  take  some pride in having written.  My panel descriptions
       are not one of them.  They always comes out like:

            Pohl said, "The Internet  will  certainly  change  a

            Silverberg said, "Yes, and in a  surprisingly  short
            space of time."

       Somehow I can take a discussion from some of the leading experts in
       a  field,  transfer  it to paper, and it comes out sounding like an
       expository lump from a 1930s Tom Swift novel.   There  historically
       were  artists who could paint some of the liveliest people in their
       society and when they got them  on  canvas  they  looked  dead  and
       mounted  like  a butterfly.  Somehow my panel writing is like that.
       I should study Evelyn's style and  imitate  it,  but  why  compete?
       Better to let Evelyn do what she does so well.

       It was nice to see this convention that the media took some  notice
       that  there  was  a  science  fiction  convention  in  town and the
       publicity was not all bad.  Years  ago  when  science  fiction  was
       looked  down  upon,  the  publicity was never good.  The words that
       come to mind are patronizing and condescending.  These, of  course,
       were  the days when you were not allowed to read science fiction in
       school as it was the wrong sort of literature.   You  were  allowed
       1984,  BRAVE NEW WORLD, and I got away with FRANKENSTEIN, but Wells
       and Verne were considered simply junk reading.  These days  science
       fiction  is  more  acceptable.   I  think  the attitude is "Please,
       please, please.  Read anything.  Read anything  that  is  words  on
       paper."   What  was  goofing  off for us in school has become model
       behavior for today's  children.   So  I  am  not  sure  the  modern
       acceptance  of science fiction is entirely a good thing.  It may be
       an act of desperation.  These days you don't insult science fiction
       because  it  is  accepted.   And  you  certainly don't insult comic
       books.  Comic book readers may well be the most militant group that
       is  not  a  government-approved minority.  If you don't show proper
       respect for comic books, they will hand you your head.

       But I digress.  Back when science fiction was less  respectable  to
       the  mainstream we got the same sort of coverage in the newspapers.
       The  coverage  of  the  science  fiction  conventions  would   have
       headlines  like  "The Martians Have Landed."  And they would show a
       fan in some outrageous Star- Trekky hall costume.  And we  used  to
       complain that they did not show what the science fiction convention
       was really about.  We have serious panels.   We  discuss  important
       social  issues.   But  the newspaper reporter would always find the
       guy with the ray gun and the tights and  plaster  his  picture  all
       over  the  entertainment  section.  Generally any sort of newspaper
       coverage was an embarrassment.

       These days the coverage is better, but also I blame the newspaper a
       lot  less  for  being  patronizing.   I  was  wrong  to  blame  the
       newspaper.  After all, the reporter was just giving his impressions
       of  what he was seeing.  And let's face it, not everybody makes the
       same amount of impression.  The half- dressed fat woman wrapped  up
       in  a large live snake--and yes we used to get them--certainly knew
       that not everybody makes the same  amount  of  impression  and  was
       taking  advantage  of  the  fact.  That's why she wore the costume.
       She  wanted  attention  and  she  did  get  it.   And  we   believe
       democratically that everyone in fandom should be able to dress like
       they want and grab as much attention as they  can.   Is  it  really
       fair   to  blame  the  reporter  because  she  succeeded?   He  was
       describing what he saw and you just can't miss a woman dressed in a
       snake.  I can't blame the reporter for what he saw.  Sometimes in a
       democratic society you leave a lousy impression  on  other  people.
       From  over  in  Turkey our country seems like one ravaged with AIDS
       and with ten- and twelve-year-old murderers.   It  is  the  country
       where  Bill  Gates  makes  obscene  amounts of money off of others.
       Somehow that is not what I see in my day-to-day life.  If you  want
       to  blame someone that conventions made a bad impression, blame the
       Snake Lady for using a good system for a bad  purpose.   I  suspect
       unless  there  is  a pressing reason to restrict her freedom (well,
       they do have a no- weapons policy), we will say she has a right  to
       dress  as  she  wants, even if it gives people a poor impression of
       the convention she is attending.  [-mrl]

                                          Mark Leeper
                                          MT 3E-433 732-957-5619

            The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or
            the poet's, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the
            colors or the words, must fit together in a
            harmonious way. ... There is no permanent place in
            the world for ugly mathematics.
                                          -- G. H. Hardy